Monday, October 27, 2014

Agenda for 10/27

1. Article: Many Asian-Americans are moving to  the South

2. Writing Prompt: (answer each question in complete sentences.) - (on eBackpack)
  • If you had to live in the United States, which city would you choose to live? Why would you choose that city?
  • If I (Mr.Parise) was going to move to your country, what city would you recommend for me to live in?
  • Do you plan on living in a foreign country (a country different from the one you were born in) as an adult? If yes, where and why? If no, why not?
3. Slavery Quiz II (on eBackpack)

4. Finish "12 Years a Slave."

HW (on eBackpack)

Write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) explaining your thoughts and opinions about slavery in America after watching "12 Years a Slave." 

In your answer please include information:

What part of the movie made you the most sad or angry?

Did this movie change what you know about American slavery?

After learning about slavery, do you think America should be able to call itself a country that supports freedom?

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