Monday, April 4, 2016

Agenda for 4/5

1. 9-11 Infographic 

2. Complete 9-11 Infographic Notes/Questions

1. How many planes and terrorists for the 9-11 attacks?

2. What places were attacked?

3. Which flight hit the North Tower? How many were killed, escaped?

4. Which flight hit the South Tower? How many were killed, escaped?

5. Which flight hit the Pentagon? How many were killed?

6. What happened to Flight 93 in Pennsylvania? How many killed?

7. From the timeline, what happened at:

8:46 - 

9:03 - 

9:38 - 

10:05 - 

10:10 - 

10:28 -

8. What was the total number of people killed in the attack?

9. How many nationalities were killed in the attacks?

10. What saying do many Americans say about 9/11? 

3.  "9-11 - The 102 Minutes that Changed America"

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