Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Agenda for 10/15

1. Guns and College radio story

A. Vocab 

US Constitution – the rules of the government and rights of the people

amendment - an addition, change, or correction to a policy or document; amendments to the U.S. Constitution change the policies expressed there and become new law

"a well-regulated militia" - a phrase from the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights; gun ownership in 1787 was predicated on the need for a civilian militia, since the U.S. Army was so small. That civilian militia would be overseen by trained (“well-regulated”) officers

infringement - a violation of a right or law

militia - private citizens who are called on by their government to perform temporary military service, or who organize themselves into a military unit without government authorization

the right to bear arms - the right to carry firearms; popular version of the Second Amendment’s statement that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

laid out (v) - to describe

concerns (n) - problems people worry about

chief (adj) - most important

obscured (adj) - hidden so people cannot see it

persist (v) - to continue

ban (v) - to legally stop something

strip (v) - to take away

trumps (v) - to be more important

implement (v) - to make it happen

concealed carry law (n) - the current law letting people carry hidden guns

firearms (n) - guns

policy (n) - similar to a law, but can be made by an organization

misdemeanor (n) - a small thing a person does wrong

B. First listen
  • What is the main idea of the story?
  • Why do opponents want to block the new CSU policy against carrying concealed weapons on campus?
  • Does the proposed CSU policy infringe on Colorado state gun law? 
C. Second Listen
  • Complete the T-Chart
D. Paragraph Response

2. Letter to President Obama

A. Be sure that your letter follows the correct letter format. See below.

B. Swap letters with a class mate - edit and make suggestions

C. Your FINAL letter is due next class 10/19 - QUIZ GRADE 

Grading Rubric - 50 pts total

1. Includes the three required paragraphs - 20 pts
  • paragraphs are the correct length - (10 pts)
  • paragraphs include all necessary information (10 pts)
2. The letter follows correct letter format (10 pts)

3. The letter has correct spelling and grammar (10 pts) 

4. The letter is thoughtful and expresses a clear point of view (10 pts)

  • Finish FINAL DRAFT of Obama letter
  • Study for vocab quiz on vocab above

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