Thursday, December 17, 2015

Agenda for 12/18

1. Amusement parks like Seaworld (called marine parks) are starting to change how they treat whales...

2. Orca whales in the ocean are in danger too!

3. Letters to Sea World

A. You will be writing a letter to Sea World explaining your thoughts after watching Blackfish. 

B. Your letter should have the following paragraphs. Each paragraph should be at least 3-4 sentence

1. Explain that you watched the movie Blackfish in school, and what you learned about the lives of the Orca whales who live there.

2. Tell them your opinion about how the whales at Sea World live. Do you think they are given a good life? Do you think Sea World is respecting their animals rights?

3. Tell them if you think they should be allowed to use Orca whales in shows with trainers in the tank? Do you think it is safe? Do you think it is ok for them to make money by having the whales perform for people? DO YOU AGREE WITH THE LAW THAT MIGHT BE PASSED IN CALIFORNIA?

4. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THE CHANGES THAT SEA WORLD HAS ALREADY MADE? What changes in Sea World and the way the whales live do you hope will happen in the next 10 years?

C. You need to use at least 6 of the 8 vocab words in your letter.

D. Your letter need to follow correct letter format.

E. Your letter is due on Tuesday 12/22

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Agenda for 12/16

1. Blackfish Vocab Quiz

2. Letters to Sea World

A. You will be writing a letter to Sea World explaining your thoughts after watching Blackfish. 

B. Your letter should have the following paragraphs. Each paragraph should be at least 3-4 sentence

1. Explain that you watched the movie Blackfish in school, and what you learned about the lives of the Orca whales who live there.

2. Tell them your opinion about how the whales at Sea World live. Do you think they are given a good life? Do you think Sea World is respecting their animals rights?

3. Tell them if you think they should be allowed to use Orca whales in shows with trainers in the tank? Do you think it is safe? Do you think it is ok for them to make money by having the whales perform for people?

4. What changes in Sea World and the way the whales live do you hope will happen in the next 10 years?

C. You need to use at least 6 of the 8 vocab words in your letter.

D. Your letter need to follow correct letter format.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Agenda for 12/14

1. Finish Black Fish

2. Answer these questions to get ready to write your letter:

A. What is your opinion on how the Orca whales were treated at Sea World?

B. Do you think Sea World should be allowed to keep Orca whales in captivity?

C. Why do you think the Orca whales act aggressively towards the trainers?
2. Vocab

  • Killer Whale = Orca Whale
  • Trainer -  a person who teaches animals to perform for people
  • breed - to use an animal to make baby animals
  • amusement park - a place where people go to have fun and go on rides
  • tank - a large pool for whales to swim in
  • captivity - when humans keep animals under control (like zoos)
  • humane - to treat a person or animal in a good way
  • moral - to act in a good way
  • animal rights - to treat animals in a respectful way
3. Vocab Quiz next class

4. The effect of Black Fish on Sea World

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Agenda for 12/10

1. President Obama talks to America after California attack

 Assignment #16




Turn in your answers to eBackpack Assignment #16. YOu must have at least two sentences for every answer.

2. Finish Blackfish

  • Killer Whale = Orca Whale
  • Trainer
  • breed
  • amusement park
  • tank
  • captivity
  • humane
  • moral
  • animal rights

Monday, December 7, 2015

Agenda for 12/8

1. Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.

What do you think?

2. Present Western State Advertisements

3. Continue Blackfish

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Agenda for 12/4

1. Blackfish (watch first 35 minutes)
2. Continue work on Adobe Voice advertisements

Requirements for slides

  • Slide 1 - Name of State (with photo of map of the state)
  • Slide 2 - Basic Information about your state (questions 1-3)
  • Slide 3 - Basic Information about your state (questions 4-6)  
  • Slide 4 - Activity #1 - Photo and sentence 
  • Slide 5 - Activity #2 - Photo and sentence  
  • Slide 6 - Activity #3 - Photo and sentence  
  • Slide 7 - Activity #4 - Photo and sentence
    Slide 8 - Activity #5 - Photo and sentence
  • Slide 9 - A link to your state tourism website (search "Nevada tourism website" for example)
  • Slide 10 - Thank you and student names
3. Advertisement due on Tuesday 12/8

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Agenda for 12/2

1. Current Event Article - click here to read

What is your opinion? Do you think it is wrong to keep whales and dolphins in pools to entertain visitors?

2. Work on Western State Advertisements
  • Continue to work on slides
3. Requirements for slides
Slide 1 - Name of State (with photo of map of the state)
Slide 2 - Basic Information about your state (questions 1-3)
Slide 3 - Basic Information about your state (questions 4-6) 

Slide 4 - Activity #1 - Photo and sentence

Slide 5
- Activity #2 - Photo and sentence

6 - Activity #3 - Photo and sentence

Slide 7 - Activity #4 - Photo and sentence

Slide 8
- Activity #5 - Photo and sentence

 HW - Slides 1-8 due finished for next class.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Agenda for 11/30

1. Discussion/Writing 

What did you do during Thanksgiving break? 

Write a 4 sentence paragraph about one fun thing that you did during the vacation. 

Be ready to read your paragraph aloud to the class.

2. Check in Meeting for Advertisements
  • 5 things to do
  • 5 different cities/towns
  • At least two are outside activities (mountains, lakes, rivers, parks)
  • One sentence written about each thing 
  • One photo for each activity 
3. Adobe Voice - download to your iPad

4. Requirements for slides

Slide 1 - Name of State (with photo of map of the state)

Slide 2 - Basic Information about your state (questions 1-3)

Slide 3 - Basic Information about your state (questions 4-6) 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Agenda for 11/19

1. Maine Governor Paul Lepage says he does NOT want refugees from Syria - read this article.

What do you think? Should the United States accept refugees from Syria?
  • Refugee
  • Governor
 2. New Projects - Advertisements for a Western State - Part 1
A. Basic Information: Use this website - click here - to answer the basic information about your state.

  • Mountains
  • Rivers
  • Lakes
  • Nickname
  • capital city
  • industries
  • major
 B. Find 5 places to visit or things to do in your state - write one sentence to say what you would do at each place. It should be something that you want to do.
  •  At least two of the places must be geographic PHYISICAL features (mountains, lakes, rivers, forests...)
  • To find places search "things to do in "___(your state)___."
C. Write down the name of the city/town of the thing that you want to do. Each place MUST be in a different city in your state
    3. You should fill out the note sheet by the end of class! Take a photo and upload to eBackpack Assignment #15.

    Monday, November 16, 2015

    Agenda for 11/16

    1. The Paris, France shooting - article

    2. 60 Minutes - The Paris Attacks

    3. Assignment #14 - In class writing assignment. When done, upload to eBackpack Assignment #14.

    A. What happened in Paris on Friday?

    B. Are you concerned about something like this happening in the United States?

    C. What about in your home country?

    D. Do you think that governments should record/watch what people say on the internet or on their phones to try to stop attacks like the one in Paris? Would be ok to give up that freedom/privacy?

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015

    Monday, November 9, 2015

    Agenda for 11/10

    1. The Geography of the American West 

    2. American Geography - Physical Geography Map

    3. Completing the "Blank Map" for the Geography of the American West

    Geography Vocab - Geographical landmarks of the American West
    • mountain - high, rocky land with steep sides
      • Rocky Mountains
      • Sierra Nevada Mountains
      • Cascade Range
      • Coastal Range
    • canyon - a deep, narrow valley with steep sides. 
      • Grand Canyon
    • desert - sandy or rocky land in a dry area
      • Mojave Desert
      • Sonoran Desert
    • lake - a body of water surrounded by land
      • Great Salt Lake
    • plain - an area of flat, grassy land
    • river - a large stream of water that runs through land 
      • Columbia River
      • Colorado River
      • Rio Grande River
    • coast - land at the edge of an ocean
      • Pacific Coast
    • plateau - a flat highland
    • basin - a low area of land with higher land on each side
      • Great Basin

    Thursday, November 5, 2015

    Agenda for 11/6

    1. Should America increase it's minimum wage to $15/hour?
    • hourly wage
    • minimum hourly wage 
    A. What is your opinion? Do you think the American government should increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15/hour.

    B. Are there any laws about a minimum wage in your home country?

    C. Do you think the government should be able to tell businesses how much they have to pay their workers?

    D. For a person who makes $15/hour, how much money do they make in one year? 

    Submit Answers to eBackpack Assignment #12

    4. Learning about the Western states - click here for website
    • Date it became a state and rank
    • Population
    • Capital city
    • Other famous cities
    • Major industries
    5. The Geography of the American West

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015

    Agenda for 11/4

    1. Should America increase it's minimum wage to $15/hour?

    • hourly wage
    • minimum hourly wage 
    A. What is your opinion? Do you think the American government should increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15/hour.

    B. Are there any laws about a minimum wage in your home country?

    C. Do you think the government should be able to tell businesses how much they have to pay their workers?

    D. For a person who makes $15/hour, how much money do they make in one year? 

    Submit Answers to eBackpack Assignment #12

    4. Learning about the Western states - click here for website
    • Date it became a state and rank
    • Population
    • Capital city
    • Other famous cities
    • Major industries
    5. The Geography of the American West

    Sunday, November 1, 2015

    Agenda for 11/2

    1. Current Events Article: "For younger Americans, fast food is a staple"
    2. Practice for quiz  50 States Game

    3. Western and New England state Quiz

    4. Learning about the Western states - click here for website
    • Date it became a state and rank
    • Population
    • Capital city
    • Other famous cities
    • Major industries

    Thursday, October 22, 2015

    Agenda for 10/23

    1. Read article: Court may say police need a judge's permission to search cellphones

    A. Vocab:
    • Supreme Court
    • court
    • judges
    • search
    • seizure
    • 4th Amendment
    • permission
    • search warrant
    • unreasonable
    • law enforcement 
    B. What is your opinion? Do you think that law enforcement should be able to search through the cell phones of American's without a search warrant? Write a paragraph answer.

    C. Submit your vocabulary definitions and paragraph to eBackpack assignment #11.

    2. Finish "Guns on Campus" activity

    HW - 

    1. Prepare for quiz on today's vocab words (see above)

    2. Finish "Guns on Campus" activity

    Tuesday, October 20, 2015

    Agenda for 10/21

    1. Article about Physician Assisted Suicide

    • physician - doctor
    • assist - to help someone do something
    • suicide - when a person kills him or herself
    Questions to discuss:
    • What will this bill allow people to do?
    • Why do some people support this bill?
    • What are the reasons disability rights groups oppose this bill?
    • What kinds of safeguards do you think should be included in this bill?
    2. Gun's on Campus Vocab Quiz
    3. Finish Guns on Campus assignment 

    HW - Finish Guns on Campus paragraph and packet

    Sunday, October 18, 2015

    Agneda for 10/19

    1. Pass in "Obama Letters"
    •  Volunteers read their letters aloud (+5 bonus points)
    2. Read article: "Keeping a President's Illness Secret"
    A. What is your opinion? Should a country's leader be able to keep an illness or injury secret from the people, or should he or she be honest about health problem?

    You will need to write a paragraph about your opinion on this question on the vocab quiz.

    3. Guns on Campus - Vocab Quiz

    4. Finish "Guns on Campus" activity 

    HW - Finish "Guns on Campus" activity

    Wednesday, October 14, 2015

    Agenda for 10/15

    1. Guns and College radio story

    A. Vocab 

    US Constitution – the rules of the government and rights of the people

    amendment - an addition, change, or correction to a policy or document; amendments to the U.S. Constitution change the policies expressed there and become new law

    "a well-regulated militia" - a phrase from the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights; gun ownership in 1787 was predicated on the need for a civilian militia, since the U.S. Army was so small. That civilian militia would be overseen by trained (“well-regulated”) officers

    infringement - a violation of a right or law

    militia - private citizens who are called on by their government to perform temporary military service, or who organize themselves into a military unit without government authorization

    the right to bear arms - the right to carry firearms; popular version of the Second Amendment’s statement that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

    laid out (v) - to describe

    concerns (n) - problems people worry about

    chief (adj) - most important

    obscured (adj) - hidden so people cannot see it

    persist (v) - to continue

    ban (v) - to legally stop something

    strip (v) - to take away

    trumps (v) - to be more important

    implement (v) - to make it happen

    concealed carry law (n) - the current law letting people carry hidden guns

    firearms (n) - guns

    policy (n) - similar to a law, but can be made by an organization

    misdemeanor (n) - a small thing a person does wrong

    B. First listen
    • What is the main idea of the story?
    • Why do opponents want to block the new CSU policy against carrying concealed weapons on campus?
    • Does the proposed CSU policy infringe on Colorado state gun law? 
    C. Second Listen
    • Complete the T-Chart
    D. Paragraph Response

    2. Letter to President Obama

    A. Be sure that your letter follows the correct letter format. See below.

    B. Swap letters with a class mate - edit and make suggestions

    C. Your FINAL letter is due next class 10/19 - QUIZ GRADE 

    Grading Rubric - 50 pts total

    1. Includes the three required paragraphs - 20 pts
    • paragraphs are the correct length - (10 pts)
    • paragraphs include all necessary information (10 pts)
    2. The letter follows correct letter format (10 pts)

    3. The letter has correct spelling and grammar (10 pts) 

    4. The letter is thoughtful and expresses a clear point of view (10 pts)

    • Finish FINAL DRAFT of Obama letter
    • Study for vocab quiz on vocab above

    Wednesday, October 7, 2015

    Agenda for 10/8

    1. Obama says we must change gun laws - Click here to read his speech.

    If you need it to read the article: sign-up code - UHTHBM 

    What do you think? Should America make more laws to control how Americans own and use guns? Your assignment is to write letter to President Obama about your opinions.

    A. Write a one paragraph (at least 8 sentences) letter explaining if you agree with him that American needs to pass more laws to limit gun ownership in America. Or do you think that Americans should be able to own guns more freely like they can now?

    B. Write a second paragraph (at least 6 sentences) where you explain the laws about guns in your home country. Do you think American guns laws should be the same or different from your home country? Why?

    C. Write a third paragraph (at least 6 sentences) where you explain if you think owning a gun makes a person more safe or less safe. 

    2. Be sure that your letter follows the correct letter format. See below.

    3. Your letter is due next class 10/15 - QUIZ GRADE

    4. Travel to New England 

    Tuesday, October 6, 2015

    Agenda for 10/6

    Hi Everyone,

    I am out sick today. Please complete the following assignment during class and upload to eBackpack Assignment #7. You assignment is due by the end of class

    1. Obama says we must change gun laws- Click here to read his speech.

    If you need it to read the article: sign-up code - UHTHBM 

    What do you think? Should America make more laws to control how Americans own and use guns?  

    A. Write a one paragraph (at least 8 sentences) letter to President Obama explaining if you agree with him, and your opinion on guns and gun violence in America.  

    B. Write a second paragraph (at least 6 sentences) where you explain the laws about guns in your home country.

    C. Write a third paragraph (at least 6 sentences) where you explain if you think owning a gun makes a person more safe or less safe. 

    Thursday, October 1, 2015

    Agenda for 10/2

    1. New England Facts Quiz

    2. New England States video

    • Open notability to take notes while we watch.
    3. Travel to New England 

    4. Famous Places in New England

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015

    Agenda for 9/30

    1. Undocumented and Underage: The Crisis of Migrant Children 

    What percentage of the US population are immigrants?

    In 2012, 18.7 million immigrants were naturalized U.S. citizens, accounting for 46 percent of the foreign-born population (40.8 million) and 6 percent of the total U.S. population (313.9 million) according to ACS estimates.
    How many illegal immigrants are in the United States?

    The number of illegal immigrants in the United States may be as high as 20 million people, almost double the official estimates of 11.1 million of the March 2005 Current Population Survey and 11.5 million–12 million by the Pew Hispanic Center (Fact Sheet, April 5, 2006).
    2. Stats on illegal immigration in the US

    3. New England States video

    • Open notability to take notes while we watch.
    5. New England Notes Quiz next class

    Sunday, September 27, 2015

    Agenda for 9/28

    Who saw last night's lunar eclipse? What happened, exactly?

    1. The Syria crisis this video

    2. Click here to read - "U.S. will accept more refugees, but security rules will limit how many"


         A. Who is responsible for American relations with other countries?
         B. What did he announce on Sunday?
         C. What country will many of these refugees come from?
         D. How many will be let in in 2016?
         E. Why are some in the American government worried about letting these refugees into the        

    Turn in your answers to eBackpack assignment #

    3. The beautiful landscapes of New England

    4. New England Travel Guide - begin this video in class
    • Open notability to take notes while we watch.
    5. New England Notes Quiz next class

    Wednesday, September 23, 2015

    Agenda for 9/24

    1. Today's article: Chinese-Americans on track to learn history of railroad-worker ancestors

    2. About the New England Region

    Assignment #5 - Learning about the New England States

    Using this website we will learn about the six states in New England

    Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island

    For each state in New England, you must find the following information: 

    A. Date of statehood (in what year did it become a US state), and state rank (x/50)?

    B. 2010 population (how many people in 2010), and population rank (x/50)

    C. Professional sports teams (football, hockey, baseball, basketball)

    D. Important Economic Characteristics (how do people in the state make money)

    4. Prepare for New England States Quiz #2

    Monday, September 21, 2015

    Agenda for 9/22

    1. Today's article: Chinese-Americans on track to learn history of railroad-worker ancestors

    2. About the New England Region

    3. Assignment #5 - Learning about the New England States

    Using this website we will learn about the six states in New England

    Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island

    For each state in New England, you must find the following information: 

    A. Date of statehood (in what year did it become a US state), and state rank (x/50)?

    B. 2010 population (how many people in 2010), and population rank (x/50)

    C. Professional sports teams (football, hockey, baseball, basketball)

    D. Important Economic Characteristics (how do people in the state make money)

    4. Prepare for New England States Quiz

    Friday, September 18, 2015

    Agenda for 9/18

     1. Maine Map Quiz #3

    2. Today's article: Chinese-Americans on track to learn history of railroad-worker ancestors


    3. New England

    For each state you need to find the capital city and the city with the most people, and place those cities on your map. For each of the largest cities, you must also write down how many people are in the city.

    HW - Finish New England MAp

    Thursday, September 17, 2015

    Agenda for 9/18

    1. Maine Map Quiz #3

    2. Today's article: Chinese-Americans on track to learn history of railroad-worker ancestors
    3. What is was the Transcontinental Railroad? More information about it's impact on America.

    4. Read more about the railroad and how it was built.

    5. Transcontinental RR video
    1. Describe at least three obstacles/challenges faced by railway workers.
    2. Describe President Abraham Lincoln's involvement in the Transcontinental Railroad.
    3. Explain how the railroads were funded.
    4. What groups provided labor for the railroad construction?  Describe the role of Chinese and Irish workers in the railroad construction.
    5. Explain why Native Americans were angered by the Transcontinental Railroad.
    6. Identify the places where the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific Railroads began their construction.  Where did the two railroads meet?
    7. Why did the government play such a large role in the building of the Transcontinental Railroad.
    8. Using this map of the railroad, identify the body of water that is located near where the Union Pacific and Central Pacific met.
    9. The map (above) shows that the Union Pacific Railroad was able to lay more miles of track than the Central Pacific Railroad.  Why do you think that is?
    10. Assess the importance of the Transcontinental Railroad.  Why was it important?  How did it change the country?

    Open House

    1. Essential Online Resources
    • blog -
      • daily agendas, course resources, assignments
    • eBackpack
      • mobile app (iPad, iPhone)
      • all assignments are submitted via eBackpack
      • see me for your parent code 
    2. Goals for the class
    • Improve English skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening skills
    • Foundational understanding of US History and Geography
    • Awareness of current events/issues
    • Prepare students for mainstream history courses
     3. Email:

    Tuesday, September 15, 2015

    Agenda for 9/16

    1. Current Event Article Study shows season's small hits to the head can hurt the brain

    Answer the following questions

    1. What did the new study find out about what might happen to Americans who play football and hockey.

    2. What happened when football and hockey players took tests? How did they do compared to students who didn't play those sports?

    3. Would you let your children play American football or hockey? 

    2. Maine Map Quiz #2

    HW - Maine Map Quiz #3 (next class)

    Add the new places below to your map and be ready for the quiz

    The 11 places from the first quiz and:
    • Sunday River (ski mountain)
    • Sugarloaf (ski mountain)
    • Moosehead Lake
    • Kennebunkport
    • Jackman, ME
    • Bangor, ME
    • Sebago Lake
    • Boothbay Harbor
    • Baxter State Park
    • Kittery
    • Machias
    • Belfast

    Monday, September 14, 2015

    Agenda for 9/14

    1. Maine Map Quiz

    2. Current Events Article: First females graduate from elite Army Ranger School
    After reading the article, write a one paragraph  response (at least 5 full sentences) to the following questions:
    • Do you believe that American women soldiers should be able to work the same military jobs as men, including fighting as soldiers. Be sure to explain the reasons for your opinion.
    3. Inequality for women in American Society: "the pay gap

    • Why do you think women in most countries make less money than men? Do you think America should pass a law that requires women to be paid the same as men? 
    Pass in your answers to the two questions above to eBackpack Assignment #3
    4. Is the United States falling behind in women's rights? 

    5. What about education?

    HW - Assignment #3 - Answer the two questions below and submit to eBackpack:

    1. Do you believe that American women soldiers should be able to work the same military jobs as men, including fighting as soldiers. Be sure to explain the reasons for your opinion. 

    2. Why do you think women in most countries make less money than men? Do you think America should pass a law that requires women to be paid the same as men?

    Wednesday, September 9, 2015

    Agenda for 9/10

    1. Current Events Article: First females graduate from elite Army Ranger School

    After reading the article, write a one paragraph response to the following questions:
    • Do you believe that women soldiers should be able to work the same military jobs as men, including fighting as soldiers. Be sure to explain the reasons for your opinion.
    2. Inequality for women in American Society: "the pay gap
    • Why do you think women in most countries make less money than men? Do you think America should pass a law that requires women to be paid the same as men? 
    3. Pass in your answers to the two questions above to eBackpack Assignment #2

    4. Geography 
    Map of Maine
    • Place the following places on your map of Maine:
      • Portland (most people)
      • Augusta (state capital)
      • Saco
      • Freeport
      • Brunswick
      • Bar Harbor
      • Lewiston
      • Orono
      • Waterville
      • Madawaska
      • Mt. Katahdin
    • Study for Maine Map Quiz NEXT CLASS (9/14)

    Wednesday, September 2, 2015

    Agenda for 9/8

    1. NEWSELA Current Event Article (Assignment #1)
    • create login (use same as TA email)
    • sign-up code: UHTHBM
    • Click here to read the article 
    • Questions to answer after reading
      • What major decision did the supreme court make this June?
      • Why is this an important decision?
      • How many states had laws against gay marriage?
      • Do a majority of Americans agree or disagree with the court's decision?
      • What did President Obama think about the court's decision? 
    • Submit to eBackpack Assignment #1 
    2. Geography 

    Map of Maine
    • Place the following places on your map of Maine:
      • Portland (most people)
      • Augusta (state capital)
      • Saco
      • Freeport (LL Bean)
      • Brunswick (Bowdoin
      • Bar Harbor
      • Lewiston (Bates Coll.)
      • Orono (Univ. of Maine)
      • Waterville (Colby Coll.)
      • Madawaska
      • Mt. Katahdin
    Map of New England
    • Label the following states and cities:
      • Maine
        • Portland
        • Augusta
      • Massachusetts
        • Boston
        • Worcester
      • Connecticut
        •  Hartford
        • New Haven
      • New Hampshire
        • Portsmouth
        • Concord
      • Vermont
        • Burlington
        • Montpelier
      • Rhode Island
        • Providence
        • Newport
    • Study for map quiz next class

    Tuesday, September 1, 2015

    Agenda for 9/2

    1. Introduction to Mr. Parise

    2. Introduction to you!

    3. What do you know about US History?

    4. What do you want to learn about US History?

    5. Newsela Article
    • create login (use same as TA email)
    • sign-up code: UHTHBM
    • Click here to read the article 
      • What major decision did the supreme court make this June?
      • Why is this an important decision?
      • How many states had laws against gay marriage?
      • Do a majority of Americans agree or disagree with the court's decision?
      • What did President Obama think about the court's decision?

    Monday, January 12, 2015

    Agenda for 1/12

    1. Article - Chinese-Americans recall a law that kept many from coming to the U.S.

    2. 1-12 Writing Prompt (go to eBackpack)

    3. Handing in Civil War projects

    4. Learning the 50 States
    • Label each state using the correct two-letter abbreviation
    • Writing the states in alphabetical order
    •  50 States Practice
    •  50 States Game
    5. Questions about the 50 States
    • 1. What are the 10 most populous states?
    • 2. What are the 10 least populous states?
    • 3. What is the poorest state?
    • 4. What is the richest state?
    • 5. What is the newest state, and in which year did it become a state?
    • 6. Which state is largest in land area?
    • 7. Which state is the smallest in land area?
    • 8. Which states has the most colleges/universities?
    • 9. Which states border Canada?
    • 10. Which states border Mexico?
    • 11. Which states border the Atlantic Ocean?
    • 12. Which states border the Pacific Ocean?
    • 13. Which state only borders ONE other state?
    • 14. Which states border NO other states?
    • 15. Which two states both border 8 other states?
    • Finish "50 States Questions" assignment
    • 50 States - Map Test

    Monday, January 5, 2015

    Agenda for 1/5

    Welcome back!

    2. 1/5 Writing Prompt (eBackpack)

    3. Civil War Adobe Voice Project (test grade)

    Here are the requirements for the project:
    • The project must answer the questions below in complete sentences.
    • Each question should be answered on a different slide.
    • You need to write AND SPEAK each answer.
    • You need to have at least one picture on each slide.
    • You need to have a slide at the end of the project with links to any the websites you used to find your information.
    • The project is due Monday 1/12 for a TEST grade.
    Here are the questions your presentation must answer:

    1. When did the Civil War begin and end?
    2. Who was fighting in the Civil War (what were the two sides)?
    3. Which states were part of the Union, and which states were part of the Confederacy.
    4. What was the cause of the war? (why did Southern states want to leave the United States and form a new country?)
    5. Who was the President of the United States during the war?
    6. Which side won the war?
    7. What happened to Lincoln after the war ended in 1865?
    8. How many Americans died in the war (from both the North and South)?
    9. What did the 13th Amendment to the Constitution do to slavery after the war ended in 1865?
    10. Which constitutional amendment (passed in 1868) said that people born in the United States were equal citizens?
    11. What did the 15th Amendment give black men the right to do?