Monday, May 30, 2016

Agenda for 5/31

1. Continue work on American City - Slideshow Presentations

2. Slideshows are due on Wednesday June 8th.

3. Presentations will be given on Wednesday  June 8th and Friday, June 10th.

4. Presentations will count as your final exam grade.

Link for calculated distance between two cities

5. Presentation Schedule:

Wednesday 6/8

1. Ilayda
2. Angus
3. Chris
4. Jack
5. Steven
6. Kyle
7. Leo

Friday 6/10

1. Alex
2. Nina
3. Allan
4. Terry
5. Yuri
6. Dasha

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Agenda for 5/26

American City – Travel Presentation

You must create a Keynote, Powerpoint, or Google Slides presentation about the city that you would like to travel to. You will be giving your presentation in front of the class on Thursday, June 9th. 

You will have class time to work on the presentation on Tuesday 5/31, but the rest of the work will need to be done outside of class.

The presentation will count as your FINAL EXAM GRADE. If you are not able to present on June 9th, you will receive a 0 for your final exam grade.

Your presentation must include the 14 slides that are described below. And each slide should also have at least one picture.

·      Slide 1: Title Slide
o   A title with the name of the city and state that you chose
o   A map of the state and city together.

·      Slide 2: The information from question 4 of your information packet
o   Population
o   Year the city was created
o   Major body of water

·      Slide 3: The information from question 4 of your information packet
o   Sports teams
o   Major colleges or Universities

·      Slide 4: The information from question 5 of your information packet
o   3 important facts about your city’s history

·      Slide 5: The information from question 6 of your information packet
o   The major economic activities/industries (how do people make money)

·      Slide 6: The information from question 7 of your information packet
o   What is the average weather and climate of your city

·      Slide 7: The information from question 8 of your information packet
o   How far from your city to: Washington DC, Saco, ME, your hometown

·      Slides 8-12:  The information from question 9 of your information packet
o   One slide each for each of the 5 places in your city that you would like to visit. Be sure to provide an image of the place and a description of why you want to go there.

·      Slide 13: The information from question 7 of your information packet
o   Two ways your city is different from your hometown
o   Two ways your city is similar to your hometown.

·      Slide 14:

o   Why should someone  visit your city? Give at least 3 reasons why you think it will be a fun place to visit.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Agenda for 5/24

1. Travel to NYC

2. Most Dangerous Cities in America

3. Safest American Cities

4. America's Richest and Poorest Cities

5. Most Popular American Cities for International Visitors

6. Best US Cities for College Students

7. Click here to see a list of the top 50 US Cities (with the most people)

8. You must choose one of the Top 50 Cities (from the link above) for your American City Travel Presentation. You can choose any of the top 50 cities, except for New York City and Boston.

9. Once you have chosen your city, complete the Research Packet Questions for your city.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Agenda for 5/16

Global Poverty Writing Assignment

1. The 5-Paragraph "Hamburger Essay"

Introduction Paragraph 

  • Start by writing about why global poverty is an important problem. Why should we care about the lives of people who are very poor?
  • End the intro paragraph with 1-2 sentences that explain what the rest of the essay will be about. You should briefly mention the 5 major problems experiences by the very poor and which problems you think are the most and least serious.

Body Paragraph #1 - Global Poverty and the United States (8-10 sentences)
  • Provide three statistics about global poverty
  • Explain how much money the US spends on helping poor countries. What percentage is that of all money spent in the year?
  • Which three countries receive the most money from the US, and how much does each get?
Body Paragraph #2 - The 5 Problems of Global Poverty (8-10 sentences)
  • Describe each of the 5 major problems for people in the world who are very poor (water, food, jobs, education, and natural disasters). 
  • Include at least one fact about each of the problems you describe.
  • You can use your notes and the links from the blog to find the information.
Body Paragraph #3 - The Most Serious Problem and the Least Serious Problem (8-10 sentences)
  • Explain which of the 5 problems you think is the most serious problem.
  • Explain at least two reasons why you believe that problem is the most serious. 
  • Explain which of the five problems you believe to be the least serious. You must give at least one reason why you believe the problem is not as serious as the others.
Conclusion Paragraph
  • Summarize the important points of your essay.
    • Why is global poverty an important topic
    • What are the 5 biggest problems of very poor people
    • Which problems do you think are the most/least important.
    • End by saying what you hope the future will be like for people who are very poor.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Agenda for 5/12

1. What is the state of global poverty for children?
  • 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation.
  • 1 billion children are deprived of one or more services essential to survival and development.
  • 148 million children under the age of 5 in developing regions are underweight for their age.
  • 22 million infants are not protected from diseases by routine immunization.
  • In 2008, 8.8 million children worldwide died before their 5th birthday.
  • 4 million newborns worldwide are dying in the first month of life.
  • 2 million children under the age of 15 currently live with HIV.
  • 101 million children are not attending primary school.
  • Death by Birth Place: 7 countries are home to 65% of the world’s hungry: India, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia. he number of people suffering from hunger is greater tha the population of the U.S., Canada and EU combined. 

2. How much money does the US give to poor countries?

  • In 2017 the US will spend about $34 billion to help poor people improve their lives.
  • 34 billion = less than 1% of the total amount of money spent by the government in a year

3. Which countries get money from the United States?
2.Global Poverty Writing Assignment

Paragraph #1 - Global Poverty and the United States (8-10 sentences)

  • Provide three statistics about global poverty
  • Explain how much money the US spends on helping poor countries. What percentage is that of all money spent in the year?
  • Which three countries receive the most money from the US, and how much does each get?

Paragraph #2 - The 5 Problems of Global Poverty (8-10 sentences)

  • Describe each of the 5 major problems for people in the world who are very poor (water, food, jobs, education, and natural disasters). 
  • Include at least one fact about each of the problems you describe.
  • You can use your notes and the links from the blog to find the information.
Paragraph #3 - The Most Serious Problem and the Least Serious Problem (8-10 sentences)

  • Explain which of the 5 problems you think is the most serious problem.
  • Explain at least two reasons why you believe that problem is the most serious. 
  • Explain which of the five problems you believe to be the least serious. You must give at least one reason why you believe the problem is not as serious as he others.

Agenda for 5/10

1. Water Problems in Detroit Michigan

2. Deadly Tornado in Oklahoma

3. Hunger in Maine

4. Debate: Which of the 5 major problems for those living on less than $1 per day do you think is the most important?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Agenda for 5/6

1. 2016 Election

2. Papua New Guinea ranks last in the world for access to clean water

3. Finish "Living on One Dollar" Videos and Questions

4. Debate: Which of the 5 major problems for those living on less than $1 per day do you think is the most important?