Sunday, November 29, 2015

Agenda for 11/30

1. Discussion/Writing 

What did you do during Thanksgiving break? 

Write a 4 sentence paragraph about one fun thing that you did during the vacation. 

Be ready to read your paragraph aloud to the class.

2. Check in Meeting for Advertisements
  • 5 things to do
  • 5 different cities/towns
  • At least two are outside activities (mountains, lakes, rivers, parks)
  • One sentence written about each thing 
  • One photo for each activity 
3. Adobe Voice - download to your iPad

4. Requirements for slides

Slide 1 - Name of State (with photo of map of the state)

Slide 2 - Basic Information about your state (questions 1-3)

Slide 3 - Basic Information about your state (questions 4-6) 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Agenda for 11/19

1. Maine Governor Paul Lepage says he does NOT want refugees from Syria - read this article.

What do you think? Should the United States accept refugees from Syria?
  • Refugee
  • Governor
 2. New Projects - Advertisements for a Western State - Part 1
A. Basic Information: Use this website - click here - to answer the basic information about your state.

  • Mountains
  • Rivers
  • Lakes
  • Nickname
  • capital city
  • industries
  • major
 B. Find 5 places to visit or things to do in your state - write one sentence to say what you would do at each place. It should be something that you want to do.
  •  At least two of the places must be geographic PHYISICAL features (mountains, lakes, rivers, forests...)
  • To find places search "things to do in "___(your state)___."
C. Write down the name of the city/town of the thing that you want to do. Each place MUST be in a different city in your state
    3. You should fill out the note sheet by the end of class! Take a photo and upload to eBackpack Assignment #15.

    Monday, November 16, 2015

    Agenda for 11/16

    1. The Paris, France shooting - article

    2. 60 Minutes - The Paris Attacks

    3. Assignment #14 - In class writing assignment. When done, upload to eBackpack Assignment #14.

    A. What happened in Paris on Friday?

    B. Are you concerned about something like this happening in the United States?

    C. What about in your home country?

    D. Do you think that governments should record/watch what people say on the internet or on their phones to try to stop attacks like the one in Paris? Would be ok to give up that freedom/privacy?

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015

    Monday, November 9, 2015

    Agenda for 11/10

    1. The Geography of the American West 

    2. American Geography - Physical Geography Map

    3. Completing the "Blank Map" for the Geography of the American West

    Geography Vocab - Geographical landmarks of the American West
    • mountain - high, rocky land with steep sides
      • Rocky Mountains
      • Sierra Nevada Mountains
      • Cascade Range
      • Coastal Range
    • canyon - a deep, narrow valley with steep sides. 
      • Grand Canyon
    • desert - sandy or rocky land in a dry area
      • Mojave Desert
      • Sonoran Desert
    • lake - a body of water surrounded by land
      • Great Salt Lake
    • plain - an area of flat, grassy land
    • river - a large stream of water that runs through land 
      • Columbia River
      • Colorado River
      • Rio Grande River
    • coast - land at the edge of an ocean
      • Pacific Coast
    • plateau - a flat highland
    • basin - a low area of land with higher land on each side
      • Great Basin

    Thursday, November 5, 2015

    Agenda for 11/6

    1. Should America increase it's minimum wage to $15/hour?
    • hourly wage
    • minimum hourly wage 
    A. What is your opinion? Do you think the American government should increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15/hour.

    B. Are there any laws about a minimum wage in your home country?

    C. Do you think the government should be able to tell businesses how much they have to pay their workers?

    D. For a person who makes $15/hour, how much money do they make in one year? 

    Submit Answers to eBackpack Assignment #12

    4. Learning about the Western states - click here for website
    • Date it became a state and rank
    • Population
    • Capital city
    • Other famous cities
    • Major industries
    5. The Geography of the American West

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015

    Agenda for 11/4

    1. Should America increase it's minimum wage to $15/hour?

    • hourly wage
    • minimum hourly wage 
    A. What is your opinion? Do you think the American government should increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15/hour.

    B. Are there any laws about a minimum wage in your home country?

    C. Do you think the government should be able to tell businesses how much they have to pay their workers?

    D. For a person who makes $15/hour, how much money do they make in one year? 

    Submit Answers to eBackpack Assignment #12

    4. Learning about the Western states - click here for website
    • Date it became a state and rank
    • Population
    • Capital city
    • Other famous cities
    • Major industries
    5. The Geography of the American West

    Sunday, November 1, 2015

    Agenda for 11/2

    1. Current Events Article: "For younger Americans, fast food is a staple"
    2. Practice for quiz  50 States Game

    3. Western and New England state Quiz

    4. Learning about the Western states - click here for website
    • Date it became a state and rank
    • Population
    • Capital city
    • Other famous cities
    • Major industries